At St. Malachy, we strive to Grow Closer to God every day. In order to learn more, check out Father Danda's Pastoral Letter on the CLOVER principles.
What is CLOVER?
C-Confession L-Life O-Our Lady V-Vocations E-Eucharist R-Revealed Word
Our Catholic Christian faith is so rich! It encompasses two thousand years of spiritual discipleship. It can be overwhelming to figure out just where to begin or what to focus on. CLOVER is meant to help. It is a set of six essential principles for Catholic Christian discipleship. They are: Confession, Life, Our Lady, Vocations, Eucharist & Revealed Word. Each of these principles is interconnected with one another. They help one develop the spiritual self while building up the Christian community. They are ideals of Catholic living but also have practical applications and goals. They focus on the authentic Catholic experience of faith because, most of all, they all point us to Jesus!
Learn about the different elements of CLOVER Here.
Want to "Live the CLOVER Life?" Listen to our Podcast!