Westside Catholic Home-School
For home-school families of all ages, join other home-schoolers to stay connected with prayer and support. This group meets on the first Friday of the month from 9am to 11am during the school year.
Worship Night
Worship Nights are on the 2nd Friday of the month from 6:30-8:00PM. This will be a time for the parish to come together for adoration, worship music, and prayer ministry, a chance to encounter the Eucharistic Lord and worship in freedom. This is an opportunity for everyone: single, married, young, old, families with young children, Catholics, and those curious about the faith.
Teams of Our Lady (TOOL)
TEAMS OF OUR LADY (TOOL) Marriage Ministry is growing at St. Malachy Parish and all married couples are invited. If you are interested in growing closer to your spouse in love and holiness, while being part of a small faith group by praying and laughing together with other married couples, please contact us!
Scripture with Coffee and Conversation
Join fellow parishioners after the 8:15 am Mass on Fridays for discussions of faith with the added bonus of coffee! This welcoming group discusses current events of our faith as well as different bible studies throughout the year. Open to all!
CLOVER University
"Do you not know the kingdom of God is within you?"
Learn what you need to become, know, and do to build up the Kingdom!
9:00-10:30 AM on Thursdays. Each meeting will consist of a 20-40 minute lesson with open questions, 5-15 minutes of prayer, and time for fellowship and discussion.
Can’t find a babysitter? Family friendly. Like Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me.”
Theology in the Burg
St. Malachy's Young Adult Ministry invites Catholic Young Adults, ages 18-35, from the Indianapolis area to come together for evenings of faith, fellowship, and fun once a month. Bring friends, neighbors, or young adult family -- all are welcome!
For the next Theology in the 'Burg (TIB) event, visit our Church Calendar.
Marriage on Purpose Date Nights
Once a month, this marriage ministry will host a date night. Past Date Nights have included Drinking with the Saints, a scavenger hunt, a euchre tournament, and more!
Learn more about our Marriage on Purpose Ministry by visiting our website.