Kevin Hinkle
Pastoral Council Member
Kevin Hinkle has been a member of St. Malachy Parish for over 50 years. Kevin and his wife, Susan, have four children, two of whom attended St. Malachy School K-8 and then graduated from Cardinal Ritter High School. This is Kevin’s second year on the Pastoral Council. Kevin has served as a Lector, Usher, and Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist for many years. He has previously served as the athletic director and coached CYO track and basketball for several parish teams. Kevin has also been a West Deanery Advisory School Board member for the past 5 years. He is a 4th Degree Knight and likes serving in the Honor Guard. He is also an Oblate for St. Meinrad Archabbey. For a living, Kevin practices law and has an office in Danville.