OUR Staff

We are a friendly bunch dedicated to serving you!

John Kiefer

Business Manager

Office: 317-852-3195 ex:7101

Home life - I am abundantly blessed with my amazing wife, Elise.  Together help each other stay sane with our seven children.  Samantha (12), Jonah (8), Luke (6), Theodore (6), Philip (4), Daniel (2), and Marian (baby girl).  My house is loud!

Started working at St. Malachy - 7/30/2012

Favorite part about working at St. Malachy - Even though I primarily help Father manage the temporal goods of the church and employees, it opens touchpoints everyday to be a positive factor in someone's life.  Jesus is found in all I do and I feel blessed to have an opportunity to be an ingredient in the enhancement of our faith.

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