Lay Ministers

The following information details our very important lay minister positions at St. Malachy.  Please discern your involvement during the Holy Mass, and take this opportunity to not only enhance our parishioner's spirituality but your own.
"There is nothing small in the service of God." - St. Francis de Sales

Please contact the parish office to get involved in any of these ministries.


Ushers play an important role in helping the logistics of the Holy Mass to happen.  They assist parishioners in finding seats; they take up the collection and present it to the priest during the offertory; they lead the procession for receiving Holy Communion; and they ensure that there are enough bulletins for everyone after Mass. Ushers are scheduled 6-8 times a quarter.

This ministry is open to any parishioner of High School age or older.

Usher Guidelines


Lectors are responsible for proclaiming the Word of God through the Old Testament and Epistle Readings. Sometimes, lectors also assist in the Responsorial Psalm. As the Word of God is central to our Catholic faith, this proclamation should be carefully and boldly read aloud to our congregation.  Lectors are scheduled 1-2 times a quarter.

This ministry is open to fully initiated Catholics in good standing with the Church.

Lector Guidelines


The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life.  It is Jesus truly present.  Because of who the Eucharist is, this ministry is reserved for those of outstanding character and Catholic Christian living.  Our weekend celebrations of the Holy Mass make it necessary for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) to assist the Ordinary Ministers (the priest and deacon) in a timely distribution of Holy Communion.  Extraordinary Ministers are scheduled 6-8 a quarter.

This ministry is open to fully initiated Catholics in good standing with the Church.

Want to become a Lay Minister? Fill out the form below and you will be contacted by the volunteer in charge of the ministry.
