Dear Parish Family:
As we enter into the second week of Lent, keep in mind all the opportunities St. Malachy is offering you to grow in your faith….
- Nocturnal Adoration: Tuesdays March 15, 22 & 29 from 7:00pm—7:00am Wednesday morning. If you have too much noise in your life right now, consider stopping by church and spending time with Jesus in silence. He is waiting for you.
- Lenten Confessions: Tuesdays March 15, 22 & 29 from 7:00pm until the line runs out (same days as nocturnal adoration). This year, confessions will be happening inside the church. Turn left and walk just beyond the Mary Shrine in the back of the church, and you will find the start of the line. Also remember that I am available by appointment or you can check the Criterion newspaper for other parishes’ extra times as well.
- Stations of the Cross: On Fridays at 7:15pm (but, NOT on April 15 due Good Friday Service of the Passion of Our Lord [3:00pm] and Tenebrae Service [8:30pm]). Join us in the church when one of the parish ministries or deacons lead us through the Stations of the Cross. This beautiful spiritual reflection helps us to remember what Jesus experienced in his last hours before his crucifixion.
- Divine Mercy Chaplet: On Sundays before the 10:15am Mass, we will be singing the Divine Mercy Chaplet beginning at 9:50am. This devotion was given to us by Jesus to St. Faustina to pray for the grace of mercy in our day and age. St. John Paul instituted the Second Sunday in Easter as “Divine Mercy” Sunday. Remember, whenever we sing, we pray twice.
- Living the CLOVER Life Podcast: Nathanael Rae and I have put together a Lenten podcast series on the CLOVER principles. They are about 20 minutes long and come out on Fridays. You can find them wherever you listen to podcasts or on the parish website under the CLOVER tab.
- CLOVER University: Continue to join Nathanael Rae in the Holy Family Room on Thursday mornings (9:00am-10:30am) and evenings (6:30pm-8:00pm) to learn more about discipleship through CLOVER. Becoming intentional about our discipleship can be hard, but learning methods and ways to do that can really help.
- Marriage Conference: FIAT marriage ministry conference for married couples is happening Saturday, March 19, with guest speakers, Dan and Amber DeMatte. Most of you have answered the call to married life that God called you to, and supporting you in that vocation is very important to me. The family is the building block of society, and healthy marriages make for healthy families. Register now to attend.
I hope you can find something there to help you grow closer with us to the good Lord and one another this Lent. Be bold and try something new if possible.
Please continue to pray and offer penances for peace in our world, for one another, and for me. Please know that I will do the same for you.
In Jesus, through Mary and St. Joseph,
Father Danda