Dear Parish Family:
Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of the most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus—“Corpus Christi.” This weekend also initiates the three year Eucharistic Revival here in the United States.
On Sunday afternoon, Archbishop Thompson is celebrating the kick-off of this Eucharistic Revival here in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis with a special Mass at the Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul, a Eucharistic Procession from the Cathedral to St. John the Evangelist, and Eucharistic Adoration at St. John’s. Anyone may attend. You can check out the details on the Archdiocesan website or at
Next Saturday, the Archdiocese will celebrate the Permanent Diaconate ordinations of its most recent class of deacon candidates. Among them are parishioners Jerry Bessler and Mike Nygra.
Over the past four years, Jerry and Mike have been attending formation weekends with the other deacon candidates at Fatima Retreat House and assisting in their ministry parishes in which they will be assigned as deacons after their ordination. Jerry has been serving at St. Roch Parish on the southside of Indianapolis; and Mike has been at St. Michael the Archangel Parish here on the west side of Indianapolis.
After ordination, Deacons Jerry and Mike will be able to do the same things you see Deacons Dan and Rick doing such as proclaiming the Gospel and preaching at Mass, celebrating baptisms and weddings (without a Mass), doing burials and funeral services at funeral homes, bringing holy Communion to the homebound, etc.
They will also have a ministry of charity which will be assigned to them as well—that is, something that builds up the Body of Christ outside their parish ministries.
The ordination will be next Saturday, June 25, at 10:00am at SS Peter and Paul Cathedral. The Mass is open to everyone but will also be livestreamed. Keep them in your prayers during these final days of preparation.
In Jesus, through Mary and St. Joseph,
Father Danda