About our Pastoral Council

by Father Sean Danda on January 23, 2022

Dear Parish Family:

With the start of the new year, the Pastoral Council is once again in search of three new members to join the council as terms of long-term members end. As we shared last year, we hope all parishioners 18 years of age and older will prayerfully consider if this is a way they could serve the parish.

What is the Pastoral Council?

The Pastoral Council was established to assist our pastor in his duty of teaching, sanctifying and governing our parish.  Our focus is to enrich the spiritual life of our parish by supporting the many ministries, educational opportunities and other important works going on within our parish community.

Some of the ways the Council has supported our mission over the last year include:

  • Increased communications to the parish to promote events and ministries
  • Updates to and new protocols for the church safety plan 
  • Creation of the New Parishioner Welcome Ministry
  • Promotion of the CLOVER Survey and evangelization efforts
  • Participation in the school principal search 

Who can join?

In March 2022, we will open applications for the three open positions on the Pastoral Council.  Whether you are a new or long-time parishioner, a lifelong Catholic or recently converted to our faith, there is a role for you on the Pastoral Council.

To be a member, you must be a confirmed Catholic living in good standing with the Catholic Church, a registered parishioner, at least 18 years old, and not an employee or spouse of an employee of St. Malachy.  You must also fill out an application of interest, which you can request by emailing the Council at  .  Members serve a three-year term and can serve up to two terms.

We use a discernment model to select members of the Council, which means members of the Council discuss and pray about those who have applied and then provide recommendations to our pastor on who may provide a needed perspective, skill or expertise to the Council.  Our pastor then appoints new members through his own discernment process.

If the Lord places it on your heart, we encourage you to fill out the application of interest. All applications are due April 4th to the Parish Office marked “Pastoral Council Application.”  Appointments will be made in May and new Council members will begin their duties in July.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any of the Council members or Father Danda. You can view the current list of members on our website

Thank you for your consideration.

Many blessings,

Father Danda and St. Malachy Pastoral Council


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