Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
Jesus to Saint Peter, The First Pope | Mt. 16:18-19
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) program is, technically speaking, the process by which unbaptized individuals learn about and become a part of the Catholic Church. It also serves as a no-pressure opportunity to know what we believe. The program is attended by folks who are just curious about Catholicism, by people who grew up Catholic but have since journeyed elsewhere and want to come home, or even by active Catholics who want a better understanding of their faith. It's Catholicism 101, and everyone is welcome!
Sundays | 8:45 - 10:15 AM | August - May
We meet in the Holy Family Room, which is on the left as you enter the church's narthex (lobby) from outside.
OCIA meetings are broken down into three essential parts:
Prayer, Catechesis (the teaching of the Catholic faith), and Community.
We start with the good ol' Sunday classics: coffee, donuts, and fellowship. After everyone has settled, the day's speaker leads us in prayer before spending some time (30-45 minutes) presenting the day's topic. Speakers are usually St. Malachy parishioners (church members), and the topics cover the basics of what Catholics believe, how we worship, and how to live a Catholic life. Speakers do their best to leave opportunities for Q&A.
After learning together, we take time to learn from each other. The OCIA Team facilitates small group discussions. This allows participants to ask further questions, share their reflections on the day's subject, and get to know each other better.
We end each session with the most crucial part: prayer. The Catholic Church offers us a rich, ancient treasury of ways to pray - with Scripture, with music, in silence, in the context of the Holy Mass, alone, with other people... the list goes on. Each week, we have a chance to encounter our Lord through a different form of prayer, familiarizing ourselves with the many options and, more importantly, with the God who loves us infinitely.
That's easy! We'd love to connect. Submit this inquiry form, and we'll get back to you.
Order of Christian Initiation for Children
Order of Christian Initiation of Children (OCIC) focuses on children in grades 3-8 who need preparation to celebrate the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, and/or Eucharist. This program is adapted from the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) process, and the catechists concentrate on helping the children understand the sacraments to be celebrated as part of the Catholic faith community.
Sessions are on Sundays from 8:45 am to 10:15 am in the School Spanish Room.