St. Vincent de Paul
The St. Vincent DePaul Society's mission is to help those in need. It is 100% volunteer-run and receives no money from any government agency or the United Way.
Here at St. Malachy, we have a dedicated group of volunteers who work to help others in our community. The St. Malachy team has business meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m.
St Vincent DePaul utilizes volunteers at its distribution center and food pantry. Volunteers work from home, logging client help requests, making home visits, and performing various clerical duties.
What’s that Blue Box in the school parking lot?
There are many ways to donate gently used items to St. Vincent de Paul. SVdP has one of our blue donation boxes in your school parking lot! What can you put in the box? Please put in soft goods only: clothing, shoes, and linens. Please make certain your donations are placed in clean, closed plastic bags. The box's contents will be picked up regularly, so don’t be afraid to fill it up!
What about other donations? Should you have large donations like furniture and major appliances, call our donation line 317-687-1006 to schedule a pick up Tuesday-Saturday. Donations can also be dropped off at our Distribution Center at 1201 E. Maryland Street Monday - Saturday 10 am-4 pm. Receiving docks are at the back (south) of the building, fronting on Georgia Street. For a current listing of our wish list of needed donations and a listing of donations we cannot accept, go to the website.
Thank you for cleaning out your closets, cupboards, and garages. Your donations will become repurposed and appreciated by the neighbors we serve.
~ “God loves a cheerful giver.” ~
Women's Prison Ministry
The Women’s Prison Ministry is part of an archdiocesan effort to minister to those housed at the Women’s Prison. The ministry's goal is to create an environment of trust through a lens of Catholic social teaching by witnessing the Gospel to the incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, and victims/families through healing and mentoring processes. The Archdiocese is committed to actively engaging parishes and parishioners to educate and advocate for policies that help reduce violence and provide for the pastoral needs of all affected by crime. To join this ministry, you must undergo a training process.
Gabriel Project
This ministry reaches out to women with unplanned pregnancies to help them choose life and avoid abortion.
Gabriel Angels, volunteers from the parish, are trained to assist pregnant women who need help. An Angel is assigned to a mother to help her during her pregnancy and after delivery by providing spiritual, material, emotional, and financial support. This can be achieved by extending friendship, offering shelter, providing transportation, or caring for any other needs that Mom and baby may have.
We ask for your continued prayers for all the families the Gabriel Project supports and the Angels that are part of this ministry. These families often tell us how God has sent us as their angels and are very grateful for everything St. Malachy Parish does for them. They keep us in their prayers as well.
Beggars for the Poor
Christ came into this world and served the least in his community. He met them where they were, ministered to them, fed them, and tended to their needs. "Beggars for the Poor" is a ministry through the Indianapolis St. Vincent de Paul Society that directly serves people experiencing homelessness -- or "street people"-- where they are: in the streets. By meeting them where they are, feeding them a hot meal, providing clothes and toiletries, and having genuine care and concern for each individual, we are ministering to these individuals in the most basic of ways. Christ called us to serve. This is an opportunity to love as Christ loved, serve Christ, and pray as Christ taught us.
“Beggars for the Poor” Information
When: 2nd Sunday of the odd months (January, March, May, July, September, November)
Who: Shoppers and Servers - The shoppers purchase and donate specific food items. Servers go downtown and lend a helping hand. We recommend servers be in the 7th grade or older.
What/Where: Servers meet at St. Malachy School at 7:30 am. Caravan downtown to the Outreach Building located directly behind Ss. Peter & Paul Cathedral. This building houses the Cathedral Soup Kitchen and Beggars for the Poor. Here, volunteers assemble personal bags (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, etc.), and clothing is loaded onto the truck while coffee is prepared. At Robert’s Park United Methodist Church parking lot, we set up tables and serve a hot breakfast casserole, fruit, cookies, and juice/coffee while clothing is distributed from the back of the truck. Lastly, we police the area, picking up trash. Generally, at this time, we return home.
This ministry is a success because of the loving people who shop and lend a helping hand to serve those who have fallen in difficult times. Thank you for your generous gift of time, talent, and treasures.
"Prayer in Action is Love, and Love in Action is Service. Try to give unconditionally whatever a person needs at that moment." St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Cathedral Soup Kitchen
St. Malachy currently has four teams of volunteers who serve at the Kitchen on a rotating basis on Friday mornings. The work involves food prep, serving the hungry, and clean-up. We begin work at 7:30 a.m. and usually finish by 10:30 a.m.
Please prayerfully consider whether you would be interested in joining our ministry.
For more information on the Cathedral Soup Kitchen, click here.
Food Pantry
St. Malachy proudly supports the Hendricks County Food Pantry at Cornerstone Christian Church. Throughout the month, our parish collects non-perishable food items for the Pantry. There are bins in the Holy Family Room for your food pantry donation. Volunteers are needed to transport the food from St. Malachy to Cornerstone at various times. If you are interested in getting involved, click below!
Angel Tree
The St. Malachy Outreach Christmas Angel Tree helps to provide local families with Christmas gifts. Our "Christmas Angels" work with our Life/Outreach Ministries (St. Vincent de Paul, Gabriel Project, Food Pantry, and Beggars for the Poor) by providing gifts for children 18 and under. We also work with Mental Health America of Hendricks County with their Christmas Scrolls program.
One thing our Angels ask for is gift cards. These gift cards are given to the families who ask for assistance. We also utilize these gift cards throughout the year for those who walk into the church needing help with gas and food.
Haiti Ministry
Since 1996, St. Malachy Parish has provided medical, dental, vision, educational, economic, and water purification assistance through a faith-based, long-term relationship with the 46,000 members of Ste. Marguerite Parish, its five chapels (Corail, Haut Petit, Bogne, Bas Petit Borgne, Ti Boy, and Bas Quartie), and the Port Margot community in northern Haiti.
In the past, volunteer doctors, dentists, optometrists, engineers, and water purification experts from Brownsburg and the Indianapolis area have traveled to Port Margot on mission trips to aid our brothers and sisters in Haiti.
Medical Mission - Provides medical, dental, and vision care to the Port Margot community.