St. Malachy Catholic School asks our families to serve.
Build relationships and connect.
Service hour requirements for the 2023-2024 school year:
- Each family is to give 20 hours of service to the school or church each year.
- There is a $200 deposit, which is due by August 1st of every new school year. This can be refunded, reapplied, or rolled over to the next school year once family service hours are completed.
- Service hours will be accepted between June 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024.
- Please use the "Log Service Hours" link to log your hours.
- Hours of volunteer time can be a variety of activities.
- Hours given to the Church include:
- Country fair volunteers
- Summer Celebration volunteers
- CYO Coach, concession stand volunteer, scorekeeper, gym
manager, Athletic ministry member, etc. - Scout troop/den leaders, volunteer for scout positions and events
- Volunteer at Mass – usher, greeter, server, Eucharistic Minister; volunteer in RCIA, landscape ministry, outreach ministry, youth ministry, etc.
- Hours given to the school include:
- Classroom Support: field trip chaperone, classroom reader,
work with students in classroom, class party volunteer, field day volunteer, etc. - General School Support: lunchroom, school committee volunteer,
sending donations in for luncheons. - PTO: Attend a PTO meeting, lead a PTO committee, volunteer at PTO-sponsored event (i.e., Grandparent’s Day, Father/Daughter Dance, Movie Nights, Uniform Sale, etc.).
- Working a Saturday trash bag sale or assisting during the fall distribution.
- Sham-a-bration volunteers
- Classroom Support: field trip chaperone, classroom reader,
- Hours given to the Church include:
We would like to thank our families for supporting our school through their unique gifts and abilities shared in service. In the event this is a challenge for your family please reach out to Mrs. Kennison, our Prinicipal, who will work with you.
Sharing our time and talents strengthens our bond with our school community and makes a positive difference for our students. May God bless the mission and ministry of St. Malachy.