Stephanie Adler
Fifth Grade Teacher
The Intermediate Department consists of Grades 3-5. Grades 3-5 work in depth to reach the goals of the St. Malachy School Mission Statement focusing on the development of the whole child. Intermediate Department classrooms are aligned to the Indiana State Standards, and Archdiocesan Religion Standards.
Grades 3-5 work to build upon the solid foundation of skills included in the primary program while gradually progressing to more complex tasks such as inquiry units, projects, and presentations. Much more emphasis is placed on fostering independence, developing organizational skills such as time management, and responsibility. Problem solving and critical thinking skills are honed. Students begin to participate in standardized testing beginning in 3rd grade. Students in the Intermediate Department are moving from learning to read into reading to learn. The language arts curriculum includes, depending upon the grade level, a published language arts series (McGraw Hill Wonders), novels, literature circle groups, and supplemental materials. Intermediate grade levels use Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Go Math! This program prepares students well for conceptual and deep understanding of mathematical concepts. In addition Rocket Math is used as a supplement in order to develop and assure strong computation skills. Grade 3-5 plans and participates in a Mini-economy project which allows other grade levels to shop at their businesses. In the areas of Science and Social Studies, teachers follow the Indiana State Standards, using both published (McMillan McGraw Hill, Harcourt Horizons, etc.) and supplemental materials as needed. All students participate in Computer/Library, Art, Music, Physical Education, and Spanish classes as well.
Intermediate level students continue to participate in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and faith learning is incorporated into all areas of the curriculum, following the Archdiocesan Standards for Religion. Catholic Identity is an obvious part of each classroom and in St. Malachy as a whole. Grades 3-5 use Sophia Institute's Spirit of Truth religion series for faith-based instruction along with teaching Circle of Grace and Ruah Woods' Theology of the Body. We do supplement this instruction with many special activities depending upon the grade level. All students participate in weekly school Mass as well as at least two class Masses throughout the school year. Throughout each grade level students in the Intermediate Department are more interactive in special activities such as a Sedar Meal, scripture study with the Parish's Director of Liturgy, and reaching out to the community via activities such as nursing home prayer partners and a concert with students from the Indiana School for the Blind.
Development of social/emotional skills are ongoing in each 3-5 classroom and beyond at the school-wide level. Social/emotional skills are incorporated across the curriculum through student to teacher, and student to student relationships. In addition to the regular religion program, teachers incorporate lessons on bullying. Teachers use “teachable moments” in the classroom to take advantage of opportunities which will help young students develop lifelong skills to ultimately help them become responsible and kind citizens of the world. Intermediate students are unique in that they are beginning to come of age. They are gradually given more opportunities to interact socially through extracurricular activities such as CYO Sports, Student Council (beginning in Grade 4), Spell Bowl and Academic Challenge (Grade 5).
Fifth Grade Teacher
Fifth Grade Teacher
Fourth Grade Teacher
Fourth Grade Aide
Third Grade Teacher