Serving Others

as Jesus did

At St. Malachy Catholic School, we believe one of the ways to become more like Jesus is to serve. We also believe our students grow in their relationship with Jesus by serving others together as a Shamrock family. St. Malachy students serve by volunteering off-site and by participating in classroom projects and school-wide service programs. It brings us joy serving others as Jesus did.

All-School Drives

St. Malachy Catholic School participates in several all-school drives including a Thanksgiving Canned Food Drive, Pennies for Pigs, Christmas Charities Toy Drive, and a "Spring Cleaning" Clothing Drive for the Julian Center, supporting victims of domestic abuse. St. Malachy parishioners and families are generous with their time and donations as we instill in students a life-long commitment to serving others.

During Catholic Schools Week, students work together on an all-school service project with older students pairing with younger students. Past service projects have included writing letters and creating gift bags for seniors, making blankets for animal shelters, and sending thank you notes to first responders.

Cathedral Soup Kitchen

The Cathedral Soup Kitchen had its beginning during the Great Depression, when parishioners passed out peanut butter sandwiches to those in need. Its offerings grew to include a daily meal and a food pantry. Currently, the Cathedral Kitchen serves 3,200 meals and provides food pantry items to 1,080 clients each month. ~ SS. Peter & Paul Cathedral

St. Malachy middle school students rotate weekly to the Cathedral Soup Kitchen helping to prepare meals and serving breakfast to those in need. Like Jesus served the poor, the needy, and homeless, students offer food, respect, encouragement, prayers and goodwill. We are reminded that it is in giving that we receive. 

Right to Life 

“As a gift from God, every human life is sacred from conception to natural death.
The life and dignity of every person must be respected and protected at
every stage and in every condition.” ~ USCCB

At St. Malachy, we value and respect all life, from those with disabilities to the elderly; those who look different than us and the unborn child. By encouraging our students to respect life in small ways, such as wearing our red Pro-Life shirts, or in larger ways, by participating in the March for Life, Planned Parenthood walks, and Disability Week, we learn to accept and respect all humans just as Jesus would want us to do. "To love is to be loved." That is ultimately what makes life worth living.

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Walk for Water

Water is a basic human right, yet more than 840 million people do not have access to clean water. Our sixth grade students participate in the Walk for Water and learn about the world water crisis through cross-curriculum activities in English and Science. They inform others about the water crisis, fund-raise, and walk three miles with water jugs to remind us of those who must walk very long distances each day for clean water. The money raised has sponsored many wells, aquifers, and other financial services needed in third-world countries which lack clean water supplies. These students are dedicated to making a difference.