Dear prospective parents and students,
Welcome to St. Malachy Catholic School! I am happy you are inquiring
about all we have to offer your child. We currently have 514 students
in grades Preschool through 8th. The faith formation of our students
is our first goal. To focus us on our goal, we share and focus on the
church’s mission statement, Growing Closer to God by Growing CLOVER.
CLOVER is an acronym for six essential principles to Catholic living and
discipleship for a healthy relationship with Jesus and his Church. By living
these six principles, we will learn what it means to be Jesus’ disciple.
We have two classes of each grade plus a vibrant specials schedule that
includes Spanish, library, art, music, technology, and physical education.
Grades 6th through 8th follow a middle school plan, switching classrooms
and having different teachers for all school subjects.
We are proud to offer a nurturing and challenging curriculum that is strong
in the spiritual, academic, physical and emotional mission of our school.
The faculty and staff are licensed professionals who meet the day-to-day
challenges of teaching our students with enthusiasm and expertise.
St. Malachy is fully accredited by both the Indiana Department of Education
and Conia/North Central Association.
Our school opened in 1955 and has many traditions in place that serve our
student body as well as the community. Just to name a few of our
extra-curricular activities in which we currently participate include
Spell Bowl, Academic Challenge, Cathedral Soup Kitchen, We the People
and various Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) sports and programs.
St. Malachy has a warm, family atmosphere. These qualities are a result of
tradition, dedicated parents and highly effective faculty. This dedication is
demonstrated in our yearly Shamrock Spectacular fundraiser, service projects
and our day-to-day teacher-student interactions. The tireless effort of our
staff is seen in their availability to our students.
If we can help you in any way please do not hesitate to contact me at
(317) 852-2242 or via e-mail at
For questions related to the admissions process, please contact
our school registrar, Kim Baldini, at
The St. Malachy family wishes your family all the best as you
undertake this important process for your child.
Mrs. Saundra Kennison, Principal
At this time, we are only accepting applications for 2nd grade and 6th grade for the 2025-2026 school year.
All preschool classes and classes for kindergarten, 1st, 3rd-5th, 7th, and 8th are at full capacity.