Heather Reynolds
Sixth Grade Homeroom
Middle School English Language Arts
St. Malachy Parish School’s sixth through eighth graders are part of our state accredited middle school program. Our middle school program concentrates on educating the whole child: academically, spiritually and socially.
We provide an outstanding program that emphasizes content literacy skills in Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies, Religion and Historical Perspectives (HP). HP is a class to enrich students' knowledge and understanding of how we, as Catholics, apply our faith to today's current world events and how we navigated the United States and world history including our persecution at times. In addition, our students participate in physical education, music, art, Spanish class, and study skills. Students are leveled for all classes in order to support their academic needs and help them grow. We use a variety of technological platforms to ensure that our students become responsible, globally minded digital citizens such as G-Suite applications, Google Classroom, IXL, Quizlet, Blooket.com, 99math.com, Studysync, and Quizlet live.
St. Malachy has a strong Catholic identity present throughout our building and school day. Middle school students attend religion class four times a week and attend an all school Mass each week and class Mass at least 2 times a school year. Throughout the year students participate in special activities that reinforce our Catholic Identity:
Our school counselor is available on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday for middle school students to meet with and SEL lessons are taught monthly. Students participate in anti-bullying and SEL lessons through the Second Step program.
Our students have opportunities to participate in a wide array of leadership and extracurricular activities that speak to particular interests such as:
Sixth Grade Homeroom
Middle School English Language Arts
Sixth Grade Homeroom
Middle School Science
Seventh Grade Homeroom
Historical Perspectives
Eighth Grade Homeroom
Middle School Social Studies
Middle School Religion
Middle School Aide
Eighth Grade Homeroom
Middle School Math