All About PTO
We are very proud of our dedicated and dynamic Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). The PTO strives to promote communication, enhance our educational environment, coordinate volunteer efforts, and create a sense of
community within our Shamrock family.
To facilitate these goals, the PTO organizes several school-wide events including get-to-know-you programs, skating parties, and family movie nights. The annual trash bag sale provides financial support for enrichment activities for students and parents. Please consider volunteering in
one of the many available areas - a great way to serve our
school alongside other Shamrocks!
PTO Executive Board
President - Jaymie Regan
Vice President - Megan Hahn
Meetings & Minutes
The PTO meets on the second Wednesday of each month (excluding June and July) in the Shamrock Café from 6:45 pm - 7:30 pm.
Trash Bag Fundraiser
The annual trash bag fundraiser is the only PTO sponsored fundraiser each year. Proceeds from the sale allows the PTO to fund many enrichment activities and resources for teachers in the classroom. We appreciate your support and participation to make our sale a success!
2024-2025 Trash Bag Options:
Yellow or Green – 39 Gallon – 25 bags per roll
White – 15 Gallon – 65 bags per roll
Blue – 55 Gallon – 16 bags per roll
2024 Sale Information
Sale Dates: August 10 – August 24
Orders Due: August 24
Distribution Day: September 16, 8am-12pm, school parking lot
*Payment is due with your order*
*You cannot pick up your trash bag order if you haven’t paid*
*Please make arrangements for someone to pick your order up on
Distribution Day if you are unable to do so*
Information Flyer
Family Information
EARN multiple casual passes! Every 10 rolls sold
earns each child in a family a casual pass.
$100 gift card awarded to the top seller
$75 gift card awarded to 2nd place seller
$50 gift card awarded to 3rd place seller
CASUAL BINGO if the school sells over 4000 rolls!
Contact Justin Capps:
Meaghan Riddle:
Family Totals Sheet
Special PTO Events
All-School Events
Used Uniform Sale
The Used Uniform Sale takes place in May. Uniform items must be tagged and filled out completely to avoid confusion. Please click the button for updated information closer to the sale in May.
Trunk or Treat
Alongside Youth Ministry, the PTO traditionally has sponsored a "trunk" in the parish trunk or treat in late October for Halloween. Updated information will be available closer to the event.
Dine To Donate
Stay tuned for our next Dine to Donate event.
View Flyer
Family Events
New Family Welcome Event
PTO traditionally sponsors a New Family event in the fall so that new Shamrock families can meet and greet old families. New families will also receive a mentor family in the beginning of the year. More information will be available closer to the event.
Father Daughter Dance
A Shamrock family favorite is the annual Father Daughter Dance. Held either in the gym or on the Shamrock playground, this event typically is held in May or June.
Student Resources